/proc directory in linux

news/2024/10/6 19:29:29
Its zero-length files are neither binary nor text, 
	yet you can examine and display them

Under Linux, everything is managed as a file; 
	even devices are accessed as files (in the /dev directory). 
	Although you might think that “normal” files are either text or binary (or possibly device or pipe files), 
	the /proc directory contains a stranger type: 
		virtual files. 
		These files are listed, but don’t actually exist on disk; 

Although almost all the files are read-only, 
	a few writable ones (notably in /proc/sys) 
		allow you to change kernel parameters. 
			(Of course, you must be careful if you do this.)
The numbered directories correspond to each running process;
	a special self symlink points to the current process. 

Some virtual files provide hardware information, such as 
Others give file-related info, such as 
The files under /proc/sys are related to kernel configuration parameters

	Shows the parameters that were passed to the kernel at boot time.
	Shows the Direct Memory Access channels in use.

the numerical named directories 
	represent all running processes. 
When a process ends, 
	its /proc directory disappears automatically


	Contains the command that started the process, with all its parameters.
	A symlink to the current working directory (CWD) for the process; 
	exe links to the process executable, 
	and root links to its root directory.
	Shows all environment variables for the process.
	Contains all file descriptors for a process, 
		showing which files or devices it is using.
maps, statm, and mem: 
	Deal with the memory in use by the process.
stat and status: 
	Provide information about the status of the process, 
	but the latter is far clearer than the former.
if you want to program a better-looking top, 
	all the needed information is right at your fingertips.




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